Black Screen or freeze since update


Since the last update on my Vero 4K, I have a black screen or freeze of 7 to 8 seconds every 10 or 15 minutes while watching a video… I don’t know where it comes from…

Who has had this problem and how to fix it?


Can you be more specific? Any videos?

Can you also drop logs here so we can see your current and previous versions.

I have but only with live TV.

today it was with “Good Doctor” TV show… I’ll put log asap

No need to wait for a freeze to happen to upload logs - we just want to see your current state and settings.

Can you also post the result of

cat /etc/modules-load.d/amlvideodri.conf

hi there.

I realise an old post by my V4 has started doing this last month.
If does not matter what i watch, either a recording from the PVR or a tv show, different source servers.

once it starts the screen freeze cycle i give up and turn it off.

The V4 has the latest software on it, and was not doing it before recent updates.

This is a two year old thread so should be different problem.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Depending on the used skin you have to set the settings-level to standard or higher, in summary:

  • enable debug logging at settings->system->logging

  • reboot the OSMC device twice(!)

  • reproduce the issue

  • upload the log set (all configs and logs!) either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A

  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

OSMC skin screenshot: