Black screen when playing video

Hi everyone,

I switched from Rasbmc to OSMC today. I was quite happy with it but two problems finally made me switch.

  1. I often couldn’t start a video and had to restart to get it going again. XBMC would start playing without anything happening or the OS would stutter insanely.

  2. Videos often showed a black screen. Audio was playing. One could fix the problem by pressing “OK”, tap “right arrow” twice (to get to “Stop” without seeing the menu) and start the video again.

The first problem seem to have gone away (10 hours of testing - yay!) but the second has happen twice.

Any ideas? Many thanks!


You haven’t provided nearly enough information to go on here, including such basics as what model of Pi you have or what format of videos you are trying to play.

Generally a black screen during playback would be due either to the GPU running out of memory (insufficient gpu memory allocation) or trying to play a video that requires the mpeg2 or vc1 codec licenses without those installed.

Please turn on debug mode in Kodi then reproduce the problem then use the My OSMC log uploader to upload all debug logs.

Fair point.

The black screen only happens once. Stopping the video and starting it again fixes the problem.

I will turn on debug mode and upload the log when it happens again. Thanks for an extremely swift reply! :smile: