Black screen

Hello. i tried to connect my vero tablet ( windows 10) with my laptop with hdmi.i change some display screen options and suddenly my tablet blacked screen but when i click on it i see the pc fingerprint.can u help me?

Vero is not a tablet and certainly doesn’t run Windows 10. Also HDMI connections on tablets and laptops are output only. You cannot connect them together.

i bought it with windows 10.its a pc-tablet. and now what can i do for black screen?

@ActionA seems you are not aware of the secret Vero Tablet @sam_nazarko is selling in Greek :slight_smile:

I think you must somehow came here by a wrong google search. This Forum is about the Vero Mediacenter

Still, in regards to HDMI connections on tablets or laptops, they are outputs. Whatever he’s trying to do by connecting the two via HDMI will not work. Good luck…