Bluetooth audio streaming (A2DP) with Vero?

Hi Sam,

in the release noter of the october update you mentioned bluetooth support and provided a link to the testing thread for A2DP

After I upgraded to the newest official release I went to the app store in the hope to find this feature.

My problem: when I try to topen the App Store within MyOSMC nothing happens.

Does this mean that this feature is not yet in the App store

  1. Question: can wget -O- | sudo sh be applied on the vero or this only possible with the PI and BT Dongle?

Thanks and regards

Hi Chris,

This is delayed because it needs more work. It can be applied to the Vero, but the usual rule of ‘it’s experimental’ applies and you should make a full backup before trying this.

It is not ready for release on Raspberry Pi or Vero yet, but I am hoping it will be by next month.


Thanks for clarifying! I too was confused as to whether it was included in the October update.