Bluetooth keyboard will no longer connect after latest update

Good Evening,

I just ran the latest OSMC update, and it appears to have killed my bluetooth keyboard and all bluetooth connectivity.

Logs here:

Doing a quick check from the command line yields this output from bluetoothctl

[bluetooth]# list
[bluetooth]# power on
No default controller available

I have already tried toggling the enable state in the GUI and rebooting.

Any ideas on what could have caused this?

Does Bluetooth still show up in My OSMC -> Network?

Sam, Bluetooth option does show up under OSMC -> Network but the Start/Stop Discovery does not stick, it just flashes and stays off. All paired devices have disappeared from the list.
btw, wifi is unable to locate any wifi connections, so similar issue there as well.

Can you post a debug log?
Have you tried power cycling the Vero 4K?

Had tried power cycling Vero 4K multiple times, but that did not work. Will post debug log later tonight.

Debug logs here:

I can also confirm that WIFI is not working, though I normally don’t use it. Bluetooth does show up in the OSMC app but toggling states does nothing. This looks like a kernel module problem where it isn’t loading the wireless chip set.

Wifi is still working for me, so I think your wifi problem may be something else.

For bluetooth, can you confirm that if you run the following command bluetooth temporarily starts working ?

sudo systemctl start sdio-bt-firmware.service

If so we’ve found the problem and are working to fix it.

Bluetooth should be fixed by this change when it gets pushed as an update:

It’s been pushed as an update now, so My OSMC should prompt you to update soon and this should resolve the Bluetooth issue. Sorry about this!

Bluetooth confirmed working after running “sudo systemctl start sdio-bt-firmware.service”.

Ignore the Wifi part, that was due to my janky old broken test keyboard.

Pulled the new update and rebooted. Confirmed everything is back to normal. Thanks for your efforts on this.

OSMC update fixed the bluetooth issue. Wifi is still an issue. Not working was probably misleading, it is actually not showing any wifi connections to select and connect to.

Try adding

BackgroundScanning = true

to /etc/connman.conf under [General]

Alternatively, try this fix. It might resolve things for low signal WiFi situations.

Login via the command line
Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following line: deb jessie-devel main
Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
Your system should have have received the update.
Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you edit /etc/apt/sources.list again and remove the line that you added after updating. This will return you to the normal update channel.