Booting an image in windows

This isn’t an OSMC question directly, but failed to get a response on the official forums, so I am hoping to try here. I have an older fat SD card that has an old raspbian install on it, with some custom configurations and settings that i’d like to preserve. Is it possible #1, to clone the image from the SD card onto a microsd and preserve all the functionality, and if not, is it possible to boot the sd image in a virtual machine (emulating a raspberry pi), and copy the files via ssh directly that way? I had a lot of hours in custom config and bash scripts to do various things that I’d like to preserve if possible.

(I had a backup image of it, but recently recovered from hard drive failure, so lost the backup)

OSMC isn’t based on Raspbian, although you probably know this.

I would advise booting the original card and making a backup of everything before installing OSMC.

I would use Win32 Disk Imager to make a back up image and then change card and write the image to the microsd card. It should be enough aslong as the microsd is same size or larger.

Here is a guide to Using the QEMU

I was hoping that was going to be the answer. I was wondering if it was anything like computers where if you make a clone of a hard drive and put it in another machine, it fails to boot, but it’s good to know that if I make a copy of the old card using win32 disk imager, and then write the backup to the new card, that it will work without conflict.

Thank you!

I’m not sure a pi2 will boot an old pi1/zero image tho

Old Windows systems had the BSOD because of the way hardware abstraction layer is implemented. I think new versions of Windows handle changes to the system a lot better

Changing cards or Pi will be OK

Thanks for that lesson in compatibility on Pi’s. You learn each day :school:

Great information sam, thank you! and Joakim, they are both Pi1’s, one is just the first 512 version with the large sd slot, the other is the newer model b+ or whatever with the micro sd slot.

That will be fine. If you update to a Pi 3 in the future you would need to reinstall as the software is different

Sam, I currently have a raspi3 installed on my big screen TV in my living room. The pi1 is being used for something else, but didn’t have any other place to ask the question and get an acceptable answer.

Great work on the osmc system. I’ve used it exclusively in all my installs, and used raspbmc before osmc exclusively as well, and it’s a great piece of software!

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Great, thanks for the kind words
