Bug?Custom Script on custom remote key not working[Remote app]

Based on this bug report https://github.com/osmc/osmc/issues/296
and the topic https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/custom-script-on-custom-remote-key-remote-app/15027

This is my /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/remote.xml
<keymap> <global> <remote> <blue>RunScript(/home/osmc/Hyperion/toggleHyperion.py)</blue> </remote> </global> </keymap>

I’m using the ** IOS Remote app** not a dedicated remote.
custom button is in settings->…more->…->execute a specific action->blue

I just wanted to know whether it’s a bug…

Yes I believe there is a bug in Kodi’s RunScript() function and has been for a long time. If you search the forum on RunScript you’ll find quite a few matches. I have also tried to use it before unsuccessfully.

This is unlikely to be OSMC specific and probably affects Kodi on all Linux platforms.

It’s not a bug with RunScript()(At least in this case. ) I tried <blue>Down</blue> as suggested by @Dilligaf
but I also think that it’s a bug with Kodi.

I also tried with <JSON_RPC></JSON_RPC> tags