Can I Install Berry Conda Python Package Manager on OSMC?

The developer link below says Berry Conda is designed to work with raspbian jessie.

Does anyone have an informed opinion as to whether Berry Conda will work properly on OSMC? I intend to install Python 3.5 via Berry Conda and use it to manage Python packages available on the Anaconda rpi channel.

Hi. How informed do you want the opinion to be? I’ve never installed it myself nor do I know for sure if it will install correctly. But I see that it “is designed to work with raspbian jessie”, so it will probably work with OSMC.

If you’re worried about trashing your system, you can take a backup of it before installing it or (my favourite, since you’re on a Pi) buy a test SD card and mess around on a completely separate copy of OSMC. Either way, if things go south, you have the luxury of knowing that no planes will fall out of the sky, so why not just give it a try?

I just installed OSMC and have little to lose in terms of configuration at this point. I think OSMC is debian Jessie under the hood. So based in part on your feedback it looks like I may soon test Berry Conda install on OSMC. Ideally I want to get a stable linux server to run Python scripts on a schedule and have Kodi available when necessary for basic media playback on HDTV. So the task is installing Python and learning how to lock in a stable OSMC/Kodi that can be easily maintained. Thanks for the tips.

It will work just fine.

After getting an extraction error I installed bzip2 using these commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bzip2

Berry Conda installs in the default location:


I notice this directory is only accessible as superuser using sudo su. Is there any reason not to install there?

Definitely not to /root.

I just took a look at the installer (a 34 MB shell script!) and it looks like it installs to $HOME/berryconda3 by default.

So I’d recommend you either install it to /user/osmc or to /usr/local using the -p directive.

I appreciate the helpful advice (but did not exactly follow it). The steps I took to install Berry Conda on OSMC/Kodi 2017.04-1 where as follows.

Notice near the end that the default configuration sets the python keyword to run Python 3.5.2 (in this case) rather than the default python that ships with osmc. One can use conda to manage multiple python environments but I am not getting setup for that at this time.

Login over ssh as user osmc@osmc.

Check if bzip2 utility installed:

osmc@osmc:~$ whereis bzip2

Install bzip2:

osmc@osmc:~$ sudo apt-get update
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo apt-get install bzip2

Download the Python3.5 flavor of Berry Conda for Raspberry Pi 2/3:

osmc@osmc:~$ cd /usr/local/bin
osmc@osmc:/usr/local/bin$ wget

Make the install script executable:

osmc@osmc:/usr/local/bin$ chmod +x

Boost Status to Superuser:

osmc@osmc:/usr/local/bin$ sudo su

Run install script:

root@osmc:/usr/local/bin# ./

Following prompts press [Enter] and [Spacebar] to read the license agreement. Type “yes” to accept the license. Directions say Berryconda will install to default location, press enter to accept, CTRL-C to abort, or specify a different location below:

[/root/berryconda3] >>> /home/berryconda3
installing: python3.5.2-1 …

Do you wish the installer to prepend the Berryconda3 install location to path in your /root/.bashrc ? [yes/no]

[no] >>> no

Exit Superuser:

root@osmc:/usr/local/bin# exit

Switch to home directory. Check python version:

osmc@osmc:~$ python --version
Python 2.7.9

Prepend Berryconda3 location to the path:

osmc@osmc:~$ export PATH=/home/berryconda3/bin:$PATH
osmc@osmc:~$ echo $PATH
/home/berryconda3/bin: …

Check python version associated with python keyword and check conda version:

osmc@osmc:~$ python --version
Python 3.5.2
osmc@osmc:~$ conda --version
conda 4.2.13

Next I will use conda to manage python packages and later delete the large install script to free space on the SD card.

You’ve over complicated the installation.

  1. Download the file to /home/osmc. (You already have the file.)

  2. Make it executable (already done) and then run it without sudo.

  3. Choose /home/osmc/berryconda3 as the install location (in other words, just press ENTER).

  4. Say yes to adding /home/osmc/berryconda3 to your path.

  5. That’s it.

Thanks for the tips and simplified instructions. In my case the bzip2 had to be installed and the Berry Conda install script would throw an error - unable to make the berryconda3 directory - until I ran it with sudo su privileges.

That’s probably because you were trying to install it to /home/berryconda3, instead of /home/osmc/berryconda3.

You can do whatever you want in /home/osmc. I installed it there without the need for sudo.