Can I use my Vero devices in the same way as I use RPi

I have two Vero 4K devices and use them to good effect using BBCiPlayer and YouTube. I also use them to play videos from my NAS which runs an old Twonky server.
Where I have a problem is with using the device as a music player. In fact I have never been able to get it to work correctly and does things like shuffle tracks. Not required behaviour when trying to play a full opera with 60+ tracks.
My music data is held on the same NAS as videos but is served by minimserver and I use a phone app, BubbleDS to select and play and I play the music on one of three renderers, two RPis with DAC hats attached and a Linn DS player. All work well but purpose of this post is to ask if I can get the control point and music to play correctly and not apply typical pop music selected by the machine using the vero as the player?

It depends how you’ve configured the RPi to receive music from that app. You could also consider AirPlay if it is an iOS device