Can only shut-down and restart; reboot results in 'please stand by' loop

This started right after the july update installed -in that it first happened on that exact reboot right after installation. I can only rarely get it to reboot successfully, it almost always results in a ‘please stand by’ loop. It sounds like it’s spinning up my external HDD and then abruptly stops and starts over with the ‘please stand by’ again. HOWEVER, if I shut it down and restart it completely, it always succeeds.

Thanks for reading and any help!

Is the drive self powered, connected to a powered hub or directly connected to the Vero?

What happens if you remove the drive and reconnect it after the “Please stand by” screen clears and you get the OSMC screen?

I suspect OP might have a Seagate drive.

We have reported this issue to them.

yeah it reboots fine with no drive attached. the drive is a WD ‘My Book’ external USB with its own power adapter (not USB powered). re-attching the drive makes reboot stop working again.

I will see if this can be resolved.
Will report this issue to WD and see if it can be fixed with a firmware update.


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