Can vero play 3D media?

I have a couple of files a friend gave me when I told him my new TV supports 3D.

One is labeled Half SBS and the other Full SBS.

Not able to understand if Vero with OSMC will be able to play those to my Sony TV.

Thanks for any clarifications


You likely won’t have joy with Full SBS, but Half SBS should be OK. Make sure you give the file a name like .3D.SBS.mkv so Kodi knows it is 3D. For now, you may manually need to switch your TV in to 3D mode.


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Is the full SBS a limitation of the raw power the unit has ? I seem to understand it’s a very high demanding bandwidth !

Yes, to an extent. A good implementation would probably require an overhaul of the Vivante drivers, which are closed binary blobs.


I hate closed blobs. Vastly prefer bikinis :wink: