Cannot update, even after hotfix

I am stuck on 2020.11-1 and cannot update via UI or command line. I have run the hotfix below, or at least told it to run, but nothing happened onscreen. Attempts to run updates in UI or from command line act identically to before I tried running the hotfix.


Hotfix: ucawobahij

Yeah here too. How can we update? Online update is not a option?

This version is far too old to update from. You will need to do a backup and reinstall of OSMC.

We only supported this upgrade path until September. In future we suggest staying on top of updates more regularly.

How can we do that? Do you have a link?

Of course: please see Reinstalling OSMC - Vero 4K - OSMC

İt worked now. Thnx

Glad to hear this.