Can't access previous SMB shares on Windows


Had set up my KODI NFS shares to be accessible on Windows 11, and all was working fine: e.g. \\OneTouch. Now, it prompts for password, which is my osmc one, but is says the password is incorrect. This is the same password I can use to access Vero via Putty so am confused. Any idea?


NFS or Samba/SMB?

Good question. Not sure as set it up ages ago. I just used the windows ‘add network location’ dialogue. Samba is enabled on the Vero, and in Windows.

That would be Samba. The Samba password and the OSMC user password can be different. Login via Putty and run smbpasswd

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osmc@HTPC:~$ smbpasswd
Old SMB password:
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

Maybe issues with the Samba Server. Upload logs via grab-logs -A and share the URL

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Cheers for speedy response. will do later today.

Just tried it on a 2nd PC and works fine so will be fine as have acces now. Cheers