I’ve been playing with the RC the last couple of days and doing NFS automount through fstab. I have the NFS automount working just fine and I have tested it via file transfers and it works as expected. Under advice on this forum I have mounted the NFS shares in the /mnt/nfs-foo path (instead of /media where I had done it in raspbmc).
The only problem is that when I go to add the NFS mount point as a source in Kodi, I just get a spinning circle with ‘Please wait’ in Kodi. It doesn’t seem to stall when looking in any other directory, just when it is in /mnt. As a test, I changed the mountpoint to /media/nfs-foo and after a reboot I was able to add the source in Kodi using the /media path very quickly.
For some reason adding a source in Kodi to the /mnt path takes a very very long time or fails entirely?
I’m running HaneWin NFS on Windows 7 for the shares. The mounting flags are -public -alldirs -exec.
In Hanewin I have Async Write for NFS-2 enabled, but it’s mounting using nfs3. Can’t really comment much else on how Hanewin sets other options?
It works just fine if I mount to /media, but when I change the mount point to /mnt/ I get this problem in Kodi. It isn’t a problem when I SSH in and navigate through a command line. Directory listing that way is instantaneous, it’s only when Kodi tries to browse /mnt that I get the ‘please wait’ and spinning circle.