Can't eject USB - no context menu

No context menu appears for my USB (or any directory) in the File Manager when I press C on the keyboard or when I hold down OK on the remote. Context menu pops up no problem when I do the same on a file. Any advice?

Running Kodi 18.0 on a RasPi3.

Have you verified that this worked on Kodi v17?
It’s been a while since I’ve used File Manager and invoked the context menu.

Perhaps some others can advise.


Haven’t tried on v17. Would be curious to know if anyone else has had this problem.

I’ve just checked with Kodi 17.6 from the 2018-1 update.
In file manager, on the mounted USB device, the context menu appears and works for dismounting safely. A different context menu appears if a file or directory within the device is selected (allowing multiple selection etc, but not unmounting)
I was using the RPi1 not RPi3