Hi, I’m trying to get WiFi to Ethernet tethering working on a clean build of 2015.06-1 on a Pi 2.
My wireless router is and issues IP address in the 0.x range via DHCP.
OSMC connects to the WiFi with no problems.
But when I connect a device (e.g. a laptop) to its Ethernet port (after enabling WiFi to Ethernet tethering), it’s assigned (subnet dns default route It appears that the Pi’s Ethernet port has bound to it.
Problem is that I can’t access the Internet from the laptop. I’ve tried changing it’s IP address / DNS / default route to the 0.x range, but I can’t see anything on this network.
I know that the Pi and its WiFi adapter (Realtek 8188CU based) support bridging as I’ve successfully configured it using Raspbian and bridge-utils. But I want to use OSMC and I understand it handles networking differently.
Any ideas?