Can't install cpanm for Transmission::Client

Hey guys

I’m having some strange problems running a simple installation of some perl extensions on this new version, on Raspbmc version I had no problems with this… but with this new version I’m having trouble doing the same…

I’m running this command:

 sudo cpanm -n Transmission::Client --notest --force

I get the following errors (among other “bailing” that occur during the installation of other dependencies):

! Bailing out the installation for libwww-perl-6.13.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'LWP::UserAgent' is not installed, Module 'Moose' is not installed, Module 'List::MoreUtils' is not installed, Module 'DateTime' is not installed, Module 'JSON::Any' is not installed, Module 'MooseX::Types' is not installed

! Bailing out the installation for Transmission-Client-0.0804.

Any ideias/sugestions guys?
I’ve hit a wall…
