Can't move 98kB file to HDD with 67.4GB of free space

Yes, but I really liked the email option.
Is there a way to put the email option into the command line or would that require a script?

Sorry, misunderstood. I thought that script was running long tests on all the drives.

Either or is possible. But the email option only makes sense for the testing script (as only that would have an output for good or bad) the other one just start the test in the background without outputting a result.

Okay, thank you.
Running that script makes more sense to me now knowing that it doesn’t do long tests on all the drives.

I was looking for a script and I came across this old thread of mine.
I just skimmed through it and it gave me a bit of a smile.
It made me think about how helpful everyone here is.
So a big THANK YOU to everyone in the Vero community!

Currently I have 6x Seagate 8TB Backup+ Hubs, a 5TB, and a 4TB… 57TB in total… ALL ON USB!
I know, I know, I’m crazy.
I don’t recommended anyone else follow what I did, but everything has been working just fine so I’m sticking with it.
Getting those 8TB drives for $120 each is what sent me down this path of USB madness.

Again, thank you everyone!

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