Can't seem to get autofs working

I’m following the tutorial here: Mounting network shares with autofs (alternative to fstab)

This is on a Vero 4K+. I’ve installed kernel version 121 to help with banding on HDR material; other than that I don’t think I’ve done anything at all controversial.

AutoFS installed okay. I then followed the instructions for NFS shares. My auto.nfs.shares file looks like this:


I restarted autoFS.

It seems to have created the folder /mnt/nicolas-pc correctly: I can cd to that folder, and it looks as if there are five subfolders in there with the correct name. But if I try evaluating ls -lah /mnt/nicolas-pc/Interim then I get: ls: cannot access '/mnt/nicolas-pc/interim': No such file or directory.

If I try the debugging commands the tutorial suggests, I get

Starting automounter version 5.1.2, master map /etc/auto.master
using kernel protocol version 5.02
lookup(dir): dir map /etc/auto.master.d missing or not readable
lookup(file): failed to read included master map dir:/etc/auto.master.d
lookup(file): failed to read included master map auto.master
mounted direct on /mnt/nicolas-pc/QBTE with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds
mounted direct on /mnt/nicolas-pc/QBTF with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds
mounted direct on /mnt/nicolas-pc/Interim with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds
mounted direct on /mnt/nicolas-pc/VideoE with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds
mounted direct on /mnt/nicolas-pc/VideoF with timeout 15, freq 4 seconds


Please issue on the commandline:

showmount -e

and post the output here.

Thanks Tom.

It says:

Export list for
/Interim -public
/VideoE  -public
/VideoF  -public
/QBTE    -public
/QBTF    -public

I should probably have mentioned that I can access those NFS folders if I add them as an NFS data source within Kodi; so the exports exist and have files in. But I’d like to mount them for better performance.


Try the following in auto.nfs.shares:


Thanks Tom.


Yes, that works. I shouldn’t try stuff like this late at night, should I? :laughing:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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