CEC Pulse Eight Not Working

I have this message when initializing osmc and TV remote doesn’t workk
Here are my log

Try another hdmi cable

Didn’t work.
Tried another cable and another port but nothing. Same message and TV remote doesn’t work

cectx aocec: cec_ll_tx(): tx timeout

CEC can be picky. A couple of things you can try:

  • Powering everything off at the mains for 5 minutes and seeing if it helps
  • Scanning for CEC devices in your TV if supported
  • Trying a direct connection to the TV to see if this improves things.

What devices are connected?
What is the make and model of your TV?

Thanks Sam
I’ll try later disconnecting everything, now I’m playing Cars and could be killed xD
Each time I disconnect the HDMI my TV, Samsung Q6F, tries to recognize the Vero but says that device not supported. CEC was working fine until I rebooted some days ago. Other CEC devices, ps4 and Xbox works fine.
My TV and Vero are connected directly, no AVR

No sweat. Let me know when you have an update.

