Change kodi's windows size

I need a help please,
currently I am running my Kodi on raspberry pi z w. it work perfect. But ones I change the display settings in to portrait ( display _rotate =2 ) half of the kodi windows out of the screen (I am using LCD Tv). How can I change the kodi settings on config settings. I don’t know about programming but I can change any settings on raspberry config file. can someone please help me.
Have a nice day

Kodi is not designed for Potrait mode, so I doubt that there is any way to achieve what you want

Thank Fzinken. :frowning: can you suggest any software I can do ? please .

Well the question is what are you trying to achieve? A media center (focused around videos) in Portrait mode doesn’t make much sense. That what dou you want to use this setup for?

I have a restaurant and like to do some display with old Lcd TV’s .(horizontal LCD panela are expensive :frowning: for business like me.) ( for advertising )so I need to change the display in to horizontal mode.

Thanks for replay .

Well you would be much better off using Raspbian (as OS) and just a browser in Kiosk mode to display what you want to display.
If that doesn’t fulfill your needs and you need a more customized solution and have a respective number of devices I assume a developer would be happy to program a solution for you.

wow . Thanks for your replay. It is a good recommendation thanks for your time and effort . your web page is the best .
Gayan (Australia) .

Perhaps relevant, skin for 9:16 (1080x1920) screen