Hi. I am trying to configure the Vero 4K within my Crestron system.
However, since the remote is non-IR, I can not teach the system the commands.
Is there any way to obtain the IR Hex Codes for the Vero 4K so that I can input them manually? Alternatively, can you offer any other solution?
If you’re programing codes, then I suggest something like this:
That’s the codes for Xbox remote, then in myosmc set remote to Xbox.
There is a built in IR receiver and no requirement to use the RF remote.
Thank you. The Xbox codes worked. The only issue I am now having is that it seems to register each button press as a single press, and then after a second lag, a further two presses. Is this something you have ever encountered? / is there an easy fix that I am stupidly missing? Thanks so much. I really appreciate the help.
Your best bet to get help would probably to be to post a full description of exactly how you have it currently configured (hardware and software) and post debug logs as well.