That version works for me.
Suggest you log into the AppleTV via ssh. Then type “dmesg” + Enter.
If CrystalHD is working this will be in the log when playback starts and ends:
[86932.740462] crystalhd 0000:02:00.0: Opening new user[0] handle
[86933.673662] start_capture: pause_th:6, resume_th:2
[87353.968359] crystalhd 0000:02:00.0: Closing user[0] handle via ioctl with mode 417a00
CrystalHD is very picky about what it will process. If I’m having issues w/a file, I throw it at Handbrake with the Fast 1080p setting and that works fine for me.
I’ve also had some weird issues with Kodi plug-ins. Never figured which one was/were the culprit/s, but they would make kodi pig out on RAM. The kernel would paginate, making everything sputter. If you are already ssh’d in, play something and type “top” + Enter. If you see kswapd topping the list and at same time everything sputtering or grinding to a halt this might be your problem. I changed the skin to Confluence, went into Plug-ins, and disabled EVERYTHING I could. Avoid disabling anything like helpers or you might disable the remote which means sifting trough XML to fix it or reinstalling.
I transcode anything before I load it to the AppleTV and the CrystalHD card chows through 1080p no problem.
Hope that helps.