I have an issue I’m not able to get rid of…
I have kodi 16.1 installed on a raspberry pi 3, with the osmc distrib.
I configured a MySQL database on my NAS (synology) to be able to share
it between multiple kodi installs. But for now, the only kodi running is
the one on the pi.
Kodi is running 24/7 so that I am able to wake the TV from any remote (eg. the kodi official remote on an iPad).
The issue is that every 30 minutes, kodi sends a request to the database, preventing the NAS to go in sleep mode.
At first it was waking the NAS every 10 minutes. Turns out it was the
skin helper addon that had the random option activated. I turned it off
and thought I was done.
But no, every precisely 30 minutes, the same request (concerning movie
sets, which I did not activate) is sent. Since Sleep on the NAS is set
after 30 Minutes of idling, NAS never go to sleep.
I had a look at every option, even tried a search in the xml files but did not find anything triggered every 30 minutes.
I activated all debug logs, and this is what the request looks like :
13:24:57 54960.828125 T:1732137968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method” : “VideoLibrary.GetMovieSets”, “params”: {},
“id”:1 }
13:24:57 54960.828125 T:1732137968 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [] trigged by accessing : MySQL : Videos99
13:24:57 54960.859375 T:1732137968 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess success exit, server already running
13:24:58 54961.675781 T:1732137968 DEBUG: RunQuery took 771 ms for 125
items query: select * from movie_view JOIN sets ON movie_view.idSet =
sets.idSet ORD
13:24:58 54961.789062 T:1732137968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method” : “VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails”,
“params”: {“setid”: 1
13:24:58 54961.828125 T:1732137968 DEBUG: RunQuery took 16 ms for 1
items query: select * from movie_view JOIN sets ON movie_view.idSet =
sets.idSet WHERE
13:24:58 54961.882812 T:1732137968 DEBUG: RunQuery took 15 ms for 1
items query: select * from movie_view WHERE movie_view.idSet = 1
13:24:58 54961.910156 T:1732137968 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Incoming request: {
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method” : “VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails”,
“params”: {“setid”: 2
13:24:58 54961.960938 T:1732137968 DEBUG: RunQuery took 19 ms for 1
items query: select * from movie_view JOIN sets ON movie_view.idSet =
sets.idSet WHERE
13:24:58 54962.007812 T:1732137968 DEBUG: RunQuery took 17 ms for 1
items query: select * from movie_view WHERE movie_view.idSet = 2
So it seems that it is triggered by a json RPC command, but I can’t find where it comes from.
Can someone help me find the origin of this so I can let my NAS go to sleep sometimes ?
Thanks very much for any help!