I received my new Vero 2 on Friday and hooked everything up. Did the latest update and everything worked great. Left it on Friday night and into Saturday. I noticed Saturday night that the Blue light started flashing for no apparent reason then turned off. Went i went to check the unit it wouldn’t power up. Today I checked the power supply connector with a volt meter and found no output. How do I go about getting a new power supply?
Email me with your order # and I will post a new one out tomorrow.
Replied to your email but got an undeliverable message. Can you please provide your exact email address?
My email is sam at osmc dot tv. If you replied to a Discourse one, you would have replied to a no reply email.
Sorry to hear that the power supply is bad. It can happen though unfortunately. I will get you a replacement out very quickly.
Just sent.
Great, the order has been generated now so that will go out in tomorrow’s post.
We test each device, but it’s difficult to test each adapter (as we’d realistically need to test with a step down transformer on each one).
Finally received my new power supply today! I plugged it in and Kodi home screen came up. But now I cannot get the ethernet connection to work properly. I rebooted my router and verified the ethernet cable with another device. I keep getting a 192. address on Vero2. Also I noticed the date and time are set at Aug. 6th when the power supply went bad.
Any suggestions on what to do?
Problem Solved! Downloaded new image and installed on SD card. Inserted SD card to Vero2 and rebooted. Fresh install and all is well now!! Ready to get back to movie watching
This is great to hear. I am sorry you were unlucky enough to get a bad power supply.