Deleted MyMusic#.db; how to get library back?

I’m running the latest version of Kodi OSMC on a raspberry Pi 2. I wanted to delete my music library completely but found that I couldn’t; even after removing sources and cleaning library from system.

So I ended up deleting the 2 MyMusic#.db files in my profile. It got rid of my library completly! I tried adding in a new MyMusic#.db folder but that didn’t seem to work.

Any suggestions short of a complete reinstall?


add the source again and scan

After you restart Kodi you should be able to re-scan your library and the db files will be recreated for you.

OK, that’s what I thought but it wasn’t working. I finally got it after a few tries. My library was getting hung up on one folder so I got rid of that and it seems to be scanning fine now. Whew! Thanks for your replies.