[Deprecated] [TESTING] Bluetooth audio streaming (A2DP)

Sorry guys for the trouble but

amixer -c0 cset numid=3 1

this did the trick have added the same to config.txt so it sets every time at boot.

Adding it too config.txt wouldn’t have any impact. Config.txt will be just parsed for raspberry configs.

ok so is there somehow i can set that to reflect on boot??

alsactl store will save it.

You could install cron and add a @reboot line

Thanks guys that helped just rebooted and it persists…:+1:

I installed a clean version of osmc. Did upgrade and installed this. Paired my iPhone and now no audio. I have a Logilink BT0015 think it is CSR chipset.

iPhone should work. Most likely the dongle

but it connects and gives not any error. Still the dongle? http://www.logilink.de/media/datasheets/BT0015.pdf csr bc8510 chipset

is there a way I can check this?

It dit work shortly by using this tutorial http://www.instructables.com/id/Enhance-your-Raspberry-Pi-media-center-with-Blueto/?ALLSTEPS and by additionally doing this: With the current OSMC Version i had to change a few steps.

  1. Instead of modprobe add the following line to your config.txt

  2. The file /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf doesn’t exist anymore. I added
    to the /etc/bluetooth/main.conf file.

Problem is that it only gives output via hdmi. And I want analogue

Not necessary with latest update


Okay so just installed clean copy of OSMC (version 2016) and runned your script. Worked immediately however sound output is through HDMI despite I have changed audio output to analogue or analogue and hdmi in settings->system->audio output. Any ideas?

Kodi settings for audio don’t control the output of BT.

sudo amixer cset numid=3 1```

will force analog

sudo: amixer: command not found

adding hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1 to /boot/config.txt did the trick! Finally Works perfect now!

playback quality is not perfect. Stutters a little bit sometimes. Is there anything I can do to improve this?

Just wondering if anyone has managed to get this working with a HiFiBerry?

I’ve used that instructables guide + some random fiddling to make BT Audio through to the HifiBerry work in OSMC before this package came about, but it’d be nice to eventually have something that has proper playback information and control, as my current setup is in a car.

Do a CTRL+F in this topic and you will find your answer: not possible (both DAC and AMP).

Fair enough, just wondering if the situation had changed. Like I said, I managed to get A2DP Bluetooth working into a PulseAudio sink, then used some commandline to push it to the hifiberry, but it was something I did 6+ months ago in the middle of the night, so I can barely remember how I made it work. Alas, it does work, so no big deal if this doesn’t support it just yet. Am keen to see what the BTPlayer ends up looking like though :slightly_smiling: