December-Update loaded today onto my RPi 2 - still no “/dev/spidev0.0” and no “spi-bcm2835-overlay.dtb” in “/boot/overlays” after updating.
The real problem is that it is not possible to copy the old file from “/boot/dtb-4.2.3-2-osmc/overlays” because it doesn’t exist anymore after the update.
Unfortunately I’m nearly total noob according to Linux and stuff, sorry. The only thing I can tell is that /dev/spidev0.0 is used as output for Hyperion, which was broken for me since OSMCs November Update (I used the fix in this thread) and now was broken again after December Update (but the fix isn’t working anymore).
So far the only chance I see is to create myself a second SD-card with OSMC 2015.10-1 on it and extract “spi-bcm2835-overlay.dtb” from “/boot/overlays” of this older version to copy it to my actual OSMC on December Update.
I’ve the same problem that spi-bcm2835-overlay.dtb is missing causing my ambilight not working. Is there no other way than revert back to october update to fix this?? I dont feel I got the time for this…
I didn’t expect that an OSMC Update would remove the dtparam=spi=on from the config.txt but it was gone. When I tried to check it I found out that I am also experiencing the “no access to RPi Config through My OSMC” issue on my RPi 2. So I put dtparam=spi=on into the config.txt manually via SSH and that brought back /dev/spidev0.0 and Hyperion is working properly again.
Ah, I removed both overlay line and dtparam and got it working again, thank you! Now only I thing left, getting my xb1 controller working with retromsc again…