DIAL support on osmc

DIAL the same protocol used on Chromecast was made open source my Netflix last year. I was wondering if someone could implement that on osmc since it would be a great addition. Airplay doesn’t work properly anymore. Upnp well is not very well supported. If someone could implement thsi it would be awesome.

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Anyone?, sam please tell me if its possible thanks!

What’s wrong with UPNP/DLNA?
Certain Android phones have built in support to share images and videos and music directly via DLNA (HTC). Otherwise there are apps available.

SKIFTA is the best DLNA app that is also free and extremely easy to use. It’s from Qualcomm.
I am not sure why SKIFTA is not in the Play Store and why it doesn’t come preinstalled on all Android phones. Must have something to do with Google trying to push ChromeCast, sad story.
But you can get it here: http://www.apk20.com/apk/111522/

No idea about iOS, that’s a closed ecosystem so you are lucky to have Bluetooth on it.