Display problem when updating

When I returned to this system after a few days of not visiting it, there was a message telling me there was an update, and asking whther it should exit to install. I selected the Yes option, and indicated it should proceed.
A short while later the screen went blank, and nothing further could be seen.
After leaving it overnight (in the expectation of the update happening), I returned to find the display still blank.
I managed to SSH in, and got it to reboot, whereon the display eventually came to life.
This is not the first time I have reported problems with the display - last time it was that there appeared not to be support for the resolution of which it was capable.
Currently it is showing 1024x768, which isn’t the best ‘available’.
All the kodi logs (ie kodi.log and kodi.old,log) show it as selecting this as the resolution - but therey are all started since the update (to 2017.08.1)
I assume the best bet to get more info would be to have debug selected when the update is told to go ahead - can you suggest other things to explore?

Well first find out what the TV reports and why 1024x768 is chosen.
grab-logs -z will give all the details.

Was this from an older version? There was a bug but should be fixed now. Of course you need to be up to date for the framebuffer to work as expected


Logs available at https://paste.osmc.tv/cokuyiveni

I think it a fairly recent version, but have no positive info.

It’s a pity there isn’t a version of tvservice I could use


TVService is Pi specific.

You can check /sys/class/display/mode when you have a picture and when you don’t.

/sys/class/display doesn’t seem to exist

Try checking the state of:

  • /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind

I think Kodi might be changing the framebuffer properties in such a way that we can’t display the update progress on the GUI properly.

I made some changes in August to improve this; but it may still be problematic on some displays.


cat /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind reports 0
cat /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind reports 1
if these are significant

Sorry my bad, I know the command works on Pi/Vero4k seems not to work on Vero1/2

The problem with blank screen/old screenbuffer showing during update has been around a while for the original Vero. I still experience it updating to September 2017.

That’s some comfort to know - I haven’t seen it before with mine