Hi all,
In some cases, users do not use TV or need to integrate into other systems with screen display of OSMC operating system. Can display screen of OSMC on web/vlc through TCP/IP (http/rtsp)? (ex: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx/xxx or rstp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxx/xxx) Just display, not control.
Also, please note that English is not my first language. So if something is unclear, please let me know so i can rephrase it.
I was looking for but not found related topics. Please help me.
Thank you for support. I add information: my display quipment can not install any soft, only use link http/rstp for display screen. can use VNC? please explain more to me.
Thanhk you very much.
My English level is bad, a sympathetic desire
I don’t think it’s fast enough from vnc to watch it. But there are some upnp server as far I know.
UPNP server to stream the display of the Pi?
Yes, may this helps.
Different story! That is to share media (files) not the display/screen of the Pi
Oh sorry
Hi fzinken, I’m trying to make it. Thank you very muc
Hi fzinken,
I have successfully installed vnc server. Then, how to display screen raspberry pi 3 (osmc) on web browser/vlc media player use http/rstp.
Please help me. Thank you very much.
Demo with my computer with vnc viewer.
But my device display can only embedded video with link http/rstp (run vlc → open network stream, if it’s ok, my device display is ok, too)
How to display screen raspberry pi 3 (osmc) with link http/rtsp.
Please help me. Thank you very much.
I have to admit I am not totally sure myself anymore. Check this page they discuss about it but not sure if positive outcome.
Hi sam_nazarko,
I have successfully installed vnc server. Can you guide me show screen display OSMC on http/rstp?
Please help me, thank you very much.
Thank you for help. I have checked it. But not solve
you have any other plans?
Please help me, thank you very much.
Well I wonder if my googeling skills are any better than yours but check this out
Hi fzinken,
Thank you. I’ll check it.
English is not my first language, my google skills english not good
Are you trying to watch video rendered on the pi over vnc? Because this won’t work.