I would suggest a good option for dealing with old videos using problematic outdated codecs is to just convert them to something widely supported like AVC/h.264. You can use a program like Handbrake (for free) to do this job for you. Handbrake also supports batch processing so you could play around with a single file to find settings optimal for your situation and once you have determined those point it at files for the rest of the series and let the computer work as you walk away.
Just set hardware acceleration to HD and up and it should play just fine.
These old DivX AVIs are not worth the hassle to support in hardware. They will have PTS issues and DivX isn’t something we intend to support in hardware.
You are unlikely to find HD content in DivX so I don’t foresee an issue here.
We’d have to add a lot of logic to check the subcodec tag and I don’t have an exhaustive list. In the future we can probably do something about this and send that codec straight to software.