Does OSMC Installer auto download stuff? Maybe the 200M Disk Image?

At my current location, the Net is data capped and metered.

So, instead of downloading “web installers” I tend to download “Offline Complete” Installers so that it can be used many times/ on many machines.

I am wondering if the installer does the same and downloads the latest 200 MB ATV1 Disk Image?

If that’s the case I’d prefer to download the Disk Image along with Installer, so that every time I fresh install, I dont lose 200 MB of data?

Yes, by default it loads the image during installation.

As you suggested, downloading an image with it would be the solution here.

You can choose a local image in the OSMC installer


@sam_nazarko - I will download the Jan build ahead of time.

Is there a certain path on which I should store the Image?
How/ when do I get to choose the local path for the build Image?

You can just store it where ever you want, when you start the installer you can choose “use a local build on my computer” and then can choose the location of the file.