Dolby Vision content on Vero

Well, isn’t CoreELEC opens source?

It seems pretty clear to me that it is. GitHub - CoreELEC/CoreELEC: A lightweight OS for KODI

As such, I think that what Snorefingers is suggesting might have legs.

Has anyone here bought a Homatics box to see what it can actually do with CE?

I tried reading some more. If I understand things correctly, CoreELEC installs on top of Android, replacing it but saving some “key” files that are then used for Dolby Vision.

This, I think, is probably beyond what a product like Vero could achieve, since it’s an integrated solution. Only Sam can shed some light on the subject, I suppose.

If that’s the case, I wonder what’s the advantage of running CE rather than running Kodi on Android. :thinking:

… assuming Kodi Omega on Android will support DV.

And also it only does profile 8 so has the convert profile 7, dropping the FEL if it exists.

I assume a leaner underlying OS. Android TV is getting quite bloated, as years go by.

They report on different converstion methods from 7 to 8. I don’t know if any of them retain all the picture info. I’m not familiar enough with DoVi technology. Maybe somebody else here is.

// Modes:
    ///     Lossless:       Don't modify the RPU
    ///     Minimal EL:     Converts the RPU to be MEL compatible
    ///     Profile 8.1:    Converts the RPU to be profile 8.1 compatible.
    ///                     Both luma and chroma mapping curves are set to no-op.
    ///                     This mode handles source profiles 5, 7 and 8.
    ///     Profile 8.4:    Converts to static profile 8.4
    ///     Profile 8.1 MP: Converts to profile 8.1 preserving luma and chroma mapping.
    ///                     Old mode 2 behaviour.

They also add that it used to be compatible with 7 too but a bug was introduced in a recent kernel. So it’s not unreasonable to expect this to be fixed.

Having said all this, I really hope that Sam can pull it off with the new Vero, as the reasons that prompted me to go the Vero way still stand, when compared to Core/LibreELEC.

Homatics is working with coreelec so there are probably some elements that aren’t open source on their side.

The Homatics box uses a proprietary (closed source) dovi.ko kernel module. I’ve explained in significant detail why we don’t want to take that route: Dolby Vision - #19 by sam_nazarko as well as what our plan is.

I just ordered one out of morbid curiosity… I have zero expectations but am certainly interested to check it out.

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