This is an issue known, but not really solvable… The skinshortcuts script our skin is using shares the home menu customization adjustments made by users with other skins that are capable. The issue with this is that Estuary doesn’t use the script, but as the script is enabled and running, it tries to build the customized home menu for Estuary as well - which obviously fails.
Switching to Estuary again should do the trick.
IIRC, the first attempt to activate Estuary always fails when coming from a skin that’s using the skinshortcuts script.
Installing the script again from zip or updating it this way doesn’t re-enable it. So, it can’t solve the issue.
Either you wait for the next stable update or you follow the above instructions to move to our staging repo. If you’d test before the next update, we could be sure that it’s solved.
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Okay, I logged in to osmc via SSH.
How do I execute instruction 2?
“Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list”
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
It nows says Skin Helper Service Backgrounds v1.0.21 installed and I can access “Customise Home Menu”.
On boot up I still get the error notification in the upper right hand corner that says, “Skin Helper Service Background error” and “Skin Helper Service error” check logs yada yada yada.
So that notification is annoying, but everything works now.
I did a cold boot and here’s the new log:
The skin helper python script that you have does not appear to be the one distributed with OSMC. It’s trying to use a python module ‘cherrypy’ that is not normally installed. The one on my Vero does not need that module.
I’m not sure how to fix this without a reinstall. And backing up the .kodi directory will not work well as the bad skin helpers will just come back when you restore it.
You may be able to do the backup, a fresh install and then just restore the .kodi/userdata directory to get back to close to your original setup.
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Your scripts are updated to the beta version of this github repo you downloaded the backgrounds script as well
It’s known to us that those new versions are causing issues. Hence we rely on the official ones from the Kodi repo. As you’ve got a beta repo installed on your device, the scripts are automatically updated to newer, unstable versions that are only used by certains skins that need more functionality than the stable Kodi repo script versions offer - talking about this repo: repository.marcelveldt v1.0.1 installed.
Do you need that repo or is it possible for you to uninstall it?
You could try this idea:
sudo systemctl stop mediacenter
mv .kodi/addons/
mv .kodi/addons/
sudo systemctl start mediacenter
And then in kn Kodi “Enable menu customization” again. It will download the proper version.
That repo is disabled.
The problem existed prior to me getting that repo.
I tried using that repo to get the latest skin helper to see if it would fix my issue but it didn’t so I then disabled it.
I can uninstall it.
When I did the “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot” shouldn’t that have overwritten what ever I had before?
What exactly does that do?
No, because you installed the helper manually directly via Kodi. When you add a addon that way it will not update.
It will remove the manually added helper. Then the official helper will be reinstalled after Kodi restarts and you enable it again.
So just run those commands via SSH?
Okay, ran those commands via SSH, then reboot, the error did not come up, tried “Customise Home Menu” and it said in order to do that it will need to download the addon, so I said okay and it downloaded and installed, then immediately after the install completed there error notifacation popped up.
Skin Helper Service Backgroundsis now showing as not installed again
Clicked on it in addon list and it installed.
Everything back to how it was before, working but still getting the error notification at boot.
EDIT: Don’t bother to do this. I investigated a little more and found the error is coming from elsewhere. So that information won’t help. Just to my my last post and try that instead.
Can you run the following command, and share the URL you get from it?
head -n 20 ~/.kodi/addons/ |paste-log
I want to make sure that you have the same version of that file that I have.
I did a little more digging and you have another python package, metadatautils that is a newer version than you should have.
Give me about 10-15 minutes, and I think I have an idea to get you back in sync without a complete re-install of OSMC.