Enabling remote access

I just installed the latest version on a brand-new Raspberry Pi Zero W2. I plan to access it using the remote Kodi app on my phone. It looks like the installation went okay. It boots up and asked me what language to use etc. The problem is, I don’t have a mouse on the raspberry pi. I need an OTG adapter. The remote on my phone successfully connects to the device via the IP address. I also can call up the IP address on a web browser on my PC. But neither of those will give me remote control. I can connect to the device via SSH successfully. I seem to recall is something you have to do to enable remote access via webpage or by app but I can’t turn that on until I get access. Is there something I can edit via SSH that would turn out on so that the phone app works?

It should be enabled out of the box if memory serves.

I think you could plug it into a TV that has CEC and control it that way. Otherwise since you have ssh access you could try to manually edit Kodi’s config with…

systemctl stop mediacenter
nano ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml
systemctl start mediacenter

although you would probably really need to look at that file from a different Kodi install to find exactly how the changes should look. If you make a mistake in that file Kodi will probably get stuck in a boot loop.

If you are really masochistic you could just manually navigate via manually sending actionid commands such as kodi-send -a down but that is going to be quite a slow process. You could skip the initial setup with sudo touch /walkthrough_completed so you could get to the settings faster and then go back after you have control and then sudo rm /walkthrough_completed and reboot once you have the remote setup to get the walkthrough back.

@cyoung5 this should be the necessary config.

    <setting id="services.webserver" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverport">80</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverauthentication" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverusername">osmc</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverpassword">PASSWORD</setting>
    <setting id="services.webserverssl">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.webskin" default="true">webinterface.default</setting>
    <setting id="services.esenabled" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.esport" default="true">9777</setting>
    <setting id="services.esportrange" default="true">10</setting>
    <setting id="services.esmaxclients" default="true">20</setting>
    <setting id="services.esallinterfaces">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.esinitialdelay" default="true">750</setting>
    <setting id="services.escontinuousdelay" default="true">25</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnp">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnpserver">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnpannounce" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnplookforexternalsubtitles" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnpcontroller" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="services.upnprenderer" default="true">false</setting>
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I finally got it working. There were a number of issues. I created the image on my SD card using the latest installer on my Windows 11 PC. I selected the proper version for a raspberry pi Zero W2. Version 2023.6.1. Wireless using WPA/WPA2/PSK entered my SSID and password correctly.

Installed the card, booted the system and it showed up on my TV and it was not connecting to my Wi-Fi network. Had to buy an OTG USB adapter for my mouse. Use the mouse to go into configuration. Wireless networking was NOT enabled. Had to do that manually. I selected my Wi-Fi network but did not need to type in the password.

Then I had to go into the menus to manually enable the web interface, enable external apps etc.

It seems to me a default installation on such a system should have all of that working automatically since it’s so difficult to connect a mouse or keyboard to such a system. At minimum, Wi-Fi should work out-of-the-box since I already entered my SSID and password.