Error after November update

I did not think that I needed to be a geek
to use a simple media playing box.
I have been using XBMC since XBox gen 1
I have never had as many problems as I have with the Vero 4k+
and this s the most expensive box I have ever bought.

Hi @Willow1262

Iā€™m sorry to hear about your problems with Vero 4K +.

This isnā€™t common, and as such, Iā€™m taking a keen interest on getting things working for you as expected.

If youā€™d like to take a phone call this week to discuss things then Iā€™d be happy to do so.

My first experience of XBMC was not on Xbox, but an Apple TV. Neither of which were cheaper than a Vero. But both were more complicated. I hopeā€¦

Couldnā€™t agree more. But the fact is that only a few users have experienced problems with updates.

You can reinstall the previous version of OSMC at any time by visiting Download - OSMC. And if youā€™re happy with that version, you can also decline any updates. OSMC will never update without your consent.

But letā€™s get this solved properly. It seems like you have drives attached that arenā€™t getting sufficient power.

