I have this nasty issue every time I restart. When I use Suspend it is OK.
What to do? Logs?
I try to upload all the logs
I get this message
Document exceeds maximum length.
Should I just choose a particular one?
Check out this wiki on how to enable debug mode and submit logs files.
Never used that addon before but there are loads of errors in the logs:
22:04:57.347 T:3687023360 INFO: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: GetHttpXML Got result. Length: 68
22:04:57.347 T:3687023360 DEBUG: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Could not find <e2event> element
22:04:57.347 T:3687023360 ERROR: PVR - GetEPGForChannel - addon 'DM800se:' returned an error: server error
21:59:42.034 T:3687023360 ERROR: PVR - GetEPGForChannel - addon 'DM800se:' returned an error: server error
21:59:42.035 T:3687023360 ERROR: PVR - GetEPGForChannel - cannot get EPG for channel 'Rai 2 HD' from client '400091357': server error
21:59:42.035 T:3687023360 ERROR: EPG - Update - failed to update table 'Rai 2 HD'
22:05:05.659 T:3907777280 ERROR: AddOnLog: VU+ / Enigma2 Client: Open It seem's that the webinterface cannot be reached. Make sure that you set the correct configuration options in the addon settings!
Looks like some permissions problem.
Thanks but there is nothing dodgy in the configuration…
I’d suggest that you try the developer of the add-on for help.
It appears that there is something not right…
I use the same add-on and it’s not very reliable, you can check this thread at the KODI forum for more info and some hints and tips:
In this thread I found this suggestion which seems like a usable work-around to me:
Just open the enigma 2 Web interface, arrange channels in a custom bouquete then download their m3u file.
Now you can use the downloaded m3u file with iptv simple clinet in any libreelec or kodi on the network.
Thanks for that Mobula
I have managed to download it as m3u file and I will try later to upload it to my videos on Osmc