Exporting Favourites file

Hi All. Just upgraded to a Vero V and wondeŕed if there was an easy way to transfer the Favourites I had on the Vero 4K onto the new device. Maybe it’s a Kodi question, but I just can’t find any way to do it which makes sense to me. Full disclosure, I’m not particularly genned up on the technical stuff, but I do have an app called Termius on my phone which can talk to both devices. I was wondering if there was a simple way of either copying the relevant file onto a USB or my phone, then transferring it to the new device?

You can do a backup via My OSMC and it will restore everything. You can use a USB for this

Hi Sam, thanks for that, I don’t want to do an entire backup transfer though. Is it possible just to transfer the Favourites file only?

I think that would just be the favourites.xml file then.

Really sorry, I scrolled down that list and assumed it was in alphabetical order, which they are until T, so stopped and didnt see the file below it. Thanks.