Hi All,
I would like to have Flickrfs installed on OSMC. Probably this is a bit off topic, but the problem is that I want to understand the compatibility of OSMC with Raspbian. Let me explain.
I am following this guide for Raspbian:
it does not work on OSMC because the following line is missing in /etc/apt/source.list:
deb Index of /raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free
if I give:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flickrfs
the package is found and some dependencies are installed like:
python-central python-fuse
Now my question is: can I do this with OSMC? Is there any problem adding Raspbian repo to OSMC?
Basically what I want is the following:
- keep in sync my Flickr account with my OSMC box
- see Flickr images using Flickr add on (but it is a little bit slow when it opens a gallery)
- use another addon to slideshow my photo stored on local (to be more fast)
- Whenever I come back from a vacation I quickly download SD Card on my OSMC box and it automatically sync with my Flickr account. Probably I can manage this directly from Kodi.
What do you think about this?