For starters: How do I acces files from Windows 10?

No, I closed it before goind into photoshop, then saved changes and run Kodi again…
I am wondering wether it’s a file accessible on the window or it is located somewhere “deeper”?
Or if the extention is neither jpg nor png maybe… cause those are the ones I’ve searched

So it is an image that you can’t find? I think this is the line where I have to draw a distinction between OSMC support and there are better places to ask this type of question (the Kodi forum). Swapping out that top left corner I believe is going to require modifying the skins xml and that is not something that really has anything to do with OSMC. I would suggest starting with the Kodi skinning wiki and if you get stuck ask on their forum.

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That’s ok, I understand.
Appart from that, I got the SMB and SSH connection working, which is good:)
After I find that file location I will replace them on the pi writing the commands on OSMC.
So this part is OSMC support, I believe. Sorry for the Kodi-related request - I will solve that and then I shall be back. Thanks!!

We don’t have a clear line of what we do and don’t help with but modding a skin is a very Kodi specific thing that can encompass a rather large skill set. Where a skin is stored and how to copy it, that is an OS thing and i’m happy to help with that. For actually modifying the skin itself though, there are resources elsewhere better suited to this task.

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About this, how can I replace the splash OSMC file? For the rest I am working on it at the Kodi forum, thank you!

I already answered that question near the top of this thread. You make a new one and copy it to the location I provided replacing the current file.

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Yeah I know, I am trying to do that…
By the way, I just made the inicial “splash” rainbow image go away (which is apparently not a splash but rather a 4-pixel image that streches into a gradient, and can be quite unpleasant if you are staring at the screen at that point).
If anyone needs the info, it is done by changing the OSMC Pi Config entry “disable_splash=1” to 0 and then back to 1 again; I don’t see the logic there but it seems that the effect is made this way. (There might be a similar way to hide the text showing before the OSMC splash, too).

That should not be necessary and should not have been showing in the first place with a stock install.

That I believe is caused because you installed the SMB server. It was intended to be hidden but I think something was missed with a recent update. I had already brought this to @sam_nazarko’s attention when I noticed it and he said he would look into it. As it is a fairly minor cosmetic issue I assume it will probably rank a bit low on his to-do list.

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Hey there, I finally solved the Kodi issue by making some changes in the home.mxl file
So, besides the media files that I have changed there is also the mxl file
Should I do the command you suggested above or do you suggest something different considering?
Thank you again so much!!

I have the pendrive in the pi. Besides the skin.estuary files (both in media and xml), I have replaced some files stored in kodi/media (on windows)…
So should the line be:
sudo cp -r /media/PENDRIVE’S-NAME/kodi /usr/share/kodi ?
I don’t want to leave out “home.mxl” and the media files located in kodi/media

Another thing, should I type in the command line on the raspberry pi (with the keyboard pluged in, pressing esc after reboot) or on the Windows SSH connection?

I have succeded to modify the Splash image :slight_smile:
On the other hand, I have "cp -r"ed the skin.estuary directory… but it doesn’t seem to be including home.xml file which tells what to do with the media that I have modified, I believe…
Solved it by searching the files and send it one by one :slight_smile:


Glad you got it solved. I’m not sure why the recursive argument wasn’t working how I expected but i’m still a Linux noob so :man_shrugging: (perhaps your home.xml was not in the correct folder on your thumb drive?)

Since you changed the home.xml it might not be the best idea to copy that one over when the skin updates (you wouldn’t know if that was updated or if there was a dependency added). It might be a better idea to just go into your add-ons in Kodi and find Estuary and disable automatic updates in its information window.

As far as using the terminal directly on the TV or via SSH it doesn’t matter as it is literally the same thing. The SSH is just relaying the display over the network. Either way everything is happening on the Linux machine itself.

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If you want it easy try: Netzwerksoftware für Windows

Solved, thank you everyone!