Hello everyone,
I am taking first steps into using kodi with OSMC in Raspberry Pi 3.
I would like to customize the splash and logo images on both Kodi and OSMC and I don’t know how to write code, so it is a big challenge to do this.
I have been reading all about SMB and cannot get the connection done… (it worked fine with LibreELEC but there were other difficulties)
Do you have any suggestions? I have the whole weekend ahead and I am determined to learn whatever it takes, so all hints on how to do this are highly appreciated!!!
As a start read this
All I can see when I go into Services in My OSMC is SSH Sever (running) but not the part where I can change the SMB down to 1
Thank you, I am going through that one now
I think your going to find this difficult with just SMB as that only gives you access by default to the home folder and neither the splash image or the two skins that are installed by default are in there. I would start with a finding a tutorial with the basics of working with the Linux terminal. The most basic functions are all you really need for this. If you are using a current version of Windows 10 you can open the command prompt (win key then type cmd and hit enter) and then type ssh osmc@[the.ip.address.of.your.pi]
to get to the terminal. From there you could just plug in a thumb drive with a suitable image named correctly and type in df
to find what it mounted as. To copy the splash you would type…
sudo cp /media/[name you found using df]/splash.png /usr/splash.png
You should be aware that is will be overwritten at some point by an update and will have to be redone.
As for changing the skin that would depend on what skin you were planning on changing.
I get “unknown host” message when I do this. It seems like something’s not well set in the pi. It is similar to what I get with SAMBA - the certifications don’t match…
Thanks for the comment; any idea what I should correct in the pi?
Are you sure you have the correct IP address of the RPi? If you go to settings>system info it will show you what it currently is. You might also want to make sure that you are not running any kind of VPN or other safety software on your PC. Make sure both computers are on the same subnet. On the command line of your PC you should make sure you can ping before suspecting anything more complicated. To do this you would just type ping 192.168.x.x
with 192.168.x.x being whatever the IP address of the RPi is.
What exactly is the message you get. If you had connected to machine with that IP address before you might have to delete or edit the %UserProfile%\.ssh\known_hosts
file on Windows.
I worked out the SMB, so I can see the pi on my PC network…
Although I cannot find the host when I type “ssh osmc@[192.168.x.x]” with the same IP adress
It says “could not resolve hostname”
I don’t believe that you need the []
around the IP.
that’s right!! now I got the host right… nice, one step closer:) thank you
when I type “df” I see “mounted as” many lines (not sure what they are yet) but I don’t see any “media” to find the splash and logo images… how should I proceed? Thanks everyone
the skin I am trying to customize is Kodi’s default (Estuary)
df will show you all your mounts. If you have a USB drive plugged into it you should see something mounted as /media/[some name] and the size should line up with what you expect. This is why I recommended starting out with a Linux 101. You can find short videos on youtube that are quite functional to get your head around how the Linux file system and the command line works. Basically in this instance if you had a thumb drive that was labeled as tofurkey the equivalent of the DOS command
copy e:\splash.png c:\usr\splash.png
for Linux in this particular instance is
sudo cp /media/tofurkey/splash.png /usr/splash.png
NOTE that for the command above to work you have to first make a new splash image, probably in a 1920x1080 resolution, and save it as a PNG file called “splash” and put in the top level of that drive.
I think since this is obviously very new territory for you that you may be well served by installing Kodi on your Windows box (the one you download from Kodi’s web site, not the one in the Windows store) and editing the skins images there first as that would probably be easiest for you to work everything out.
Yes, I did that before. Then I installed an image containing Kodi on the RB pi… so the software is back to defaults and I am trying to re-do the customization. (Right now I am going through the Linux basics…)
If I am not incorrect…
I would have to install Linux on the pen drive; then paste the splash.png (the one I designed) in the drive; and finally copy it to the /usr/splash.png to replace it?
You don’t need to install Linux or anything else on the pen drive. You are going to use it the same way you do with Windows and you don’t have to reformat or do anything special with it. You could transfer over the network and then move it from there but i’m recommending the thumb drive because it is easier for me to give instructions for this method.
I would recommend doing that on Windows again and then make a copy of the skin and delete everything other than your custom images, but leaving all the file paths the same. If you have this on a thumb drive like with the splash then you can…
sudo cp -r /media/[ refer to df ]/skin.estuary /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.estuary
…and make sure you replace my “[ refer to df ]” in that line with the actual mount folder name. Just like with the splash image updates to the skin will remove your custom images. If you do what I suggested you should be able to just run the recursive copy again and it will replace the images on the updated skin.
That might just be a solve right there:) I am working on it, will report back.
There is still a file that I cannot change even on Windows: the Kodi logo on top of the main menu (estuary default skin). Is it an accessible file somehow?
Are you trying to replace it with Kodi running?