Force update entire library to get the posters

Hi !

I recently reinstall my mediacenter (I get a Pi 4 to replace my old Pi 3).
I have forget to save my movies lib and just get it from scratch.
When I try to scrap all of it, it works perfectly except for some movies (maybe half of the lib, maybe more, hundreds of it as a minimum). For this movies I get all the informations except the movie poster. In this case Osmc displays only a miniature from the movie and when I update manually the informations, I get the poster.

How can I update the posters of all the lib, it will be very painfull to do it one by one…

NB : I have already try to delete the lib and charge it again, it does not work.

Thx in advance.


there is a very handy script which was created just for that:

Using it with the “c” option should fetch all your missing artwork.

Besides that I can do so many things that I have it on every kodi box by now. (e.g. force library updates or search movie details from console, clean entries in the database that the Kodi-internal function misses or even be used as a remote control via ssh)

Thank you, I tried the script, it runs and download many things but nothing change even if I reboot OSMC or update the lib. I always have many movies whithout posters :confused:

|    banner   |  characterart|   clearart  |  clearlogo  |   discart   |    fanart   |     icon    |    keyart   |  landscape  |    poster   | season.banner |  season.landscape| season.poster |  set.banner |  set.clearart| set.clearlogo | set.discart |  set.fanart |  set.keyart | set.landscape |  set.poster |    thumb    |  thumbnail  |    TOTAL
Cached        |     351     |       16     |     298     |     367     |     298     |      40     |      -      |     289     |     405     |      83     |       -       |         -        |       -       |      57     |       49     |       64      |      11     |      -      |      28     |       61      |      -      |      -      |     201     |     2618
Deleted       |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |      0
Duplicate     |     1141    |      999     |     1103    |     1141    |      7      |     1170    |     1833    |      7      |     1183    |     1174    |      457      |        718       |      1056     |      68     |       65     |       69      |      19     |      70     |      47     |       89      |      70     |      -      |      -      |    12486
Error         |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      1      |      -      |      10     |      -      |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |      11
Ignored       |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      2      |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |      -      |     735     |      -      |     737
Season-all    |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |      0
Skipped       |      79     |       -      |      49     |      64     |      11     |     465     |      -      |      28     |      61     |     468     |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      80     |      -      |       -       |      81     |     488     |      4      |     1878
Undefined     |      -      |       -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |     170     |      -      |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |         -        |       -       |      -      |       -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      -      |       -       |      -      |      -      |      49     |     219
TOTAL         |     1571    |      1015    |     1450    |     1572    |     316     |     1845    |     1836    |     324     |     1659    |     1725    |      457      |        718       |      1056     |     125     |      114     |      133      |      30     |     150     |      75     |      150      |     151     |     1223    |     254     |    17949
Download Time | 00:00:50.62 |  00:00:14.95 | 00:00:41.99 | 00:00:09.56 | 00:12:01.19 | 00:00:13.53 | 00:00:01.51 | 00:05:33.74 | 00:02:30.41 | 00:00:27.19 |       -       |         -        |       -       | 00:00:44.84 |  00:00:54.12 |  00:00:56.60  | 00:00:17.25 |      -      | 00:00:32.64 |  00:57:19.07  |      -      |      -      | 00:00:10.01 | 01:00:41.38

  Threads Used: 8
   Min/Avg/Max: 00.00 / 00.72 / 26.61 downloads per second
   Min/Avg/Max: 00.01 / 01.44 / 20.76 seconds per download

       Loading: 00:00:03.41
       Parsing: 00:00:00.51
     Comparing: 00:00:01.80
   Downloading: 01:00:41.39
 TOTAL RUNTIME: 01:00:47.24

I suspect that you have nfo files sitting next to these movies and they contain dead links for the artwork. If you open the information window on one of the movies and click refresh and it asks you if you want to ignore local files and depending on this choice the poster shows up or not then this is for sure your problem. If this is the case then the least painful way to deal with it would be to just remove the nfo files, go to your source in videos>files, context menu, change content, set it as none, ok, select yes to remove the items from the library, then context menu again and set content, and then reconfigure your scraper and then update your library. In this way all items should then scrape directly from the internet.

Thank you, I will try your solution.

Question : Is there a way to configure my scraper to ignore nfo files to avoid the painful deleting of all of them ?

No. You can tell Kodi to ignore them when you refresh individual shows, episodes, or movies, but not in the way you want. If you just want to remove all of the nfo files it shouldn’t be painful at all though. Where are your movies stored? If they are directly attached and you ssh in then you can just do something like “sudo rm- r /media/mydrive/movies/*.nfo” (obviously being very cautious that you get that command formed correctly so you don’t delete things you don’t want to be deleting) or if your in Windows, or browsing a drive connected to your RPi over the network you can just use the search function in Windows Explorer searching that location for “*.nfo” and once the search finishes click on one of the results then ctrl+a then hit the delete key.

Thank you
I know regex and rm command. I don’t like to delete nfos but I will try with one movie and if it works I will apply the fix at all the lib. I keep you informed.