Forum and wiki issues (new user)

I have a few questions regarding this forum and the OSMC site itself, it is so very different from all forums I have visited before…

1) How can I make a new thread and still keep the forum base page in my tab?
On other forums I usually middle click on the “Create topic” link and a new tab opens for me to write my new topic.
Here it does not work, instead the bottom part of the forum index page opens an editor and when done I lose the forum index. There must be a way to handle this…

2) Why is the page title on the wiki help pages “Page not found”?
I want to bring up help topics in my browser in separate tabs so I can easily switch between the help items.
But switching tabs on this wiki is very difficult since the page titles are all “Page not found”, which makes no sense to me given that I have actually found a valid page from the Wiki main page. Even the main wiki page is showing this title!

I don’t have a quick solution for the first part, but, for the second, I can use right-button to open a link in a new tab (Firefox), and I get no ‘page not found’ for the ones I’ve checked (but the tabs are marked ‘page not found’ despite opening the correct page!!
later: noticed that it’s the link which gets the page not found, but seems to redirect to the faqs page

It’s complicated…, but being worked on.


both links above don’t work, I get a 404 for
Wiki - OSMC which links to which also gives a 404 does work and links to

Wiki - OSMC

the Wiki - OSMC pages with ‘Make this page better’ link to forum topics

We recently changed the url of the wiki. It’s now permanently on Wiki - OSMC.

You can read more about the wiki and how to contribute here.
It explains why “Make this page better” links to a forum post.

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