Freenet tv dvb-t2 usb-stick

wird der FREENET TV DVB-T2 USB-STICK von den Vero K4 unterstützt oder in naher Zukunft unterstützt?
Wenn ja, kann ich damit auch die kostengünstigen, aber kostenpflichtigen Sender auf dem System schauen?
Damit wirbt dieser FREENET TV DVB-T2 USB-STICK.

Über eine Antwort, oder einer Anderen entsprechenden Lösungsvorschlag würde ich mich sehr freuen.
vielen Dank.

LG Andi

As this is mainly an english speaking forum I suggest to at least use google translate to translate your question into english

Will the FREENET TV DVB-T2 USB-STICK be supported by the Vero K4 or will it be supported in the near future?
If so, can I use it to look at the low-cost but fee-based channels on the system?
This advertises this FREENET TV DVB-T2 USB-STICK.

I would be very happy about an answer, or another suggestion for a solution.
Thank you very much.

LG Andi

To answer your question currently there are no Linux (the OS part of OSMC) drivers being provided for this stick and the likelihood that there will be any in the future are very low.

The OSMC DVB-T2 stick will work to receive the free channels but not the encrypted ones.
Currently the only remaining “open” alternative is DVB-S.