Freeze during package install (ssh-app-osmc)

Today I checked for updates, and Vero asked to exit so it could complete installation. My Vero has now been frozen at 88% of package installation for over an hour at this point: “Configuring ssh-app-osmc (armhf)

Please advise how to proceed.

[UPDATE] Vero was reachable with ping but otherwise unresponsive. Power cycled, and now it only loads the splash screen. It remains frozen on the splash screen. How do I fix this?

I just re-imaged the micro SD. Thankfully it is working now.

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Most likely you were running on one of the pre-release RC releases from May/June and thus had not updated in nearly 6 months.

We are aware of an issue that would cause the update process to hang if you updated directly from an RC release to the October release without first updating to an in-between release.

It should have been possible to recover the existing install and allow the update to continue but since you have re-imaged it it’s too late to try that.

I would have waited longer for a response if I wanted to try and rescue something, however I haven’t done anything special with it like the other tinkerers here. It was just running basic OSMC. I chose Vero because you guys were able to produce a well-designed product for cheaper than it is for me to source parts in Australia — and all in such a pretty package.