Freezing on high bandwidth 4k content

You still have a network problem. The new adapter is just temporarily masking it. I will not be at all surprised when you are back in a few months with the same problem.

You need to look at your network and find the real problem.

Thanks. I’ll play around with the cabling and see if that makes a difference in the speeds not bouncing around as much. Is there a certain benchmark that I should be shooting for? It looks like the iperf test results that @darwindesign ran shows roughly a 2 Mbps spread without the adapter.

If you look at my iperf results with the adapter you will see that they bounce around a little going from my server to my Vero, but from the Vero to the server they are very consistent. That is the ballpark that you would probably be wanting to see in this particular situation. Your not going to get completely consistent numbers in both directions in this situation as the slower USB 2.0 connection causes a bit of a traffic jam on the way in. If you find and fix a problem I would expect you to find your numbers going out of the Vero to become consistent which should likely give you a bit more average speed going the other way as well.

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