Fstab iocharset/codepage syntax

Hi all,

I’m trying to automount at Rasberry PI boot a linux share (from a Netgear readynas Unit). I have a problem with a lot of italian character (such like à, ù, ò, etc) on the filename in the shared folder that I have mounted.
These characters has shown as a “?” and I cannot find a way to resolve this issue.

In the fstab file, I have write this row:
// /mnt/Film cifs credentials=/home/osmc/.rn102credentials,x-systemd.automount,noauto,iocharset=iso8859-1,sec=ntlm 0 0

I tryed to change the iocharset from iso8859-1 to utf8 but nothing changed.

Can anyone help me?


How did you try this?

I have changed the iocharset in the fstab row.

The only result is that I have two “?” for each special character (like “superpi??” instead of “superpiù”)



Looks like some changes may be required server side, may need look at what changes you to samba config on the readynas.

Thanks Tom.

Hi, I have changed the samba configuration like indicated in the article.

I continue see a “?” instead of italian special characters.


It seems resolved. For editing I use putty application.

Open the folder directly with Kodi, the names seems correctly.

Thanks for your advice.



Be advised if editing via putty (not just putty, any change not made via the gui), if you make any changes to the samba config via the ready-nas gui or reboot the nas; the fix will be lost.

I would contact ready nas and ask about adding these changes via the gui, or be prepared to reapply after every reboot or gui update.

Thanks Tom.