FTP/SSH refused/time out

A fresh install of OSMC doesn’t freeze for no reason - almost certainly you have some weird hardware problem.

We don’t even ship Bash 3.4 in OSMC so are you sure you are even SSH’ing to the right device and that you don’t have an IP address conflict with another device on your network ?

osmc@rpi2:~$ help
GNU bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf)

Nothing was done, everything is at default values.

Im using juicessh and the ip is locked to my RPI IP. nothing else is conflicting or a linux machine.

Unless youre saying my RPI is at fault which it may be.

Its Bash 4.3.

Also this file corruption seems to be a common thing so not sure why the surprise…

Yes, commonly reported in a support forum. Why? Because Linux dislikes having the power pulled without a clean shutdown. But even if there were 20 reports of corruption in the last 30 days (which there aren’t) then it would still only be a very small fraction of the overall number of OSMC users.

If you overclock your system until it becomes so unstable that it randomly suffers from hard freezes requiring the power to be pulled out without a clean shut down then, yes, corruption is going to be the result… so there is no surprise there at all.

The best software in the world can’t make up for hardware instability.


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Is it a good idea to implement FSCKFIX=yes?

I agree only I didnt overclock or touch anything in settings. You really like to jump into conclusions :wink:

I like the passion you guys have for your product.

Anyway thanks for your help.

Quick question: Is there a way to have ext 4 on my external HD and will that make my OSMC run faster?

I saw a similar thing with openelec and a usb stick.

Thanks again jumping to conclusions :wink:

Its not an OSMC thing its a PI thing.

Chilax dude.

No worries got what I needed.

Who are you talking to ?