Good morning.
A few days ago I installed the last OSMC version on my raspberry pi 2 and noticed that my full-bluray collection plays awfully on the system, keeps stuttering every second. Under Openelec I had no problem.
Should I install any codec or configure anything on the system?
I have exactly the same problem. I was soo eager for 7.1 DTS HD MA parsing into 8ch PCM that I’ve update without a doubt. At first I thought this option was giving a horrible performance but I’ve disabled it, even reinstalled OSMC but it did not help. BluRay Rips stutter and buffer all the time.
Please help.
Isn’t it a support forum? How can I provide additional information? Should I copy logs? What would you need to resolve this issue?
Please follow the whole link for all the info. You are really telling us nothing about your particular setup here.
Ok, you are right, more info then:
- Raspberry Pi 2
- OSMC 2015.09-2
- Kodi 15.2 Isengard - provided inside OSMC
- Video: any Bluray Rip
- Setup: All settings default, even with HDMI 2.0 sound video is choppy and buffering every 30s or so
- Data provider: Synology NAS DS215j via Samba Share
Plz help.
Wired or wireless would also make a huge difference.
Yes, this is why we provide very easy to follow instructions. Did you create these blu-ray rips? Because mediainfo (also in the link) would be helpful.
I’ve managed to extract the logs:
In the end of the playback the video was chopping like crazy
You clearly haven’t read our link…
Use an OSMC paste URL please.
Ok … clearly I’m doing everything wrong
I’ll wait for the next release for the problem to be resolved then. By that time I’ll stick to OpenElec. Thanks for your time.
Unfortunately we can’t resolve the problem if we don’t know what’s wrong, so perhaps it’s best to stick with OE. If you thoroughly read How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC, and let us know of any questions you have, then we can help.
I would not submit my entire logs as they have all kinds of information in there. I’ve only extracted the important part and shared it in a file. If you don’t want to use it … your choice.
BTW is it that hard to get the latest release, set it up on a RasPi2 and play a bluray rip? Because that’s is exactly what I’m doing … o.O
Not hard at all, works fine here and on the hundreds of other user’s installs that use the same kind of content.
I know it’s not cool but I really don’t want to share my entire log because of the privacy concerns. I understand your approach but you need to understand mine as well. I’m not the only one with this problem. I did not create this thread just participated in it.
An idea came to my head that it can have something to do with the datasource. I’ll try to play the same file from the USB drive and see if that resolves the problem. I’ll let you know.
Understood. Blu-ray is working fine in this OSMC release for what seems to be the majority of users. Without a proper log, we can’t investigate the issue
You dont know what is causing the problem, so you are the least qualified to decide what IS and ISNT required information in the logs.
You can PM it to individual people. If you don’t want to share it with anyone, then don’t be surprised when people refuse to try and provide you with support with one hand nailed to the ground.